I had a brilliant weekend. On Friday I went to the Mercedes Benz Fashion Event at the Lifestyle Centre. It was all of my favourite things - pink cocktails, great music, fashion, tasty food tidbits and a lot of laughs. I think it is so important for women to spend time with each other - we gain from each other's energy and laughter.
Saturday I was up early and off to another hypnotherapy session. S gives me such great advice - things that I would think should come naturally to me, or which I would think would be obvious are highlighted by her in her stance as an observer on my life. She stops me beating myself up over my past - she keeps reinforcing to me that I was doing the best I could do under the circumstances, that I am strong and a survivor - that often my choices were done as part of my survival instinct. She grants me forgiveness that I need to grant myself and therefore allows me to forgive myself.
She took me under as always, she took me to past life but I could not generate any visions. I kept seeing flashes of Native American art and designs but I just thought they were visual aberrations. When will I learn to just open my mouth and let the subconscious take over? She then brought me to a current life memory - she told my subconscious to go to a happy time in this life and I landed in the middle of a dinner. It was a family dinner but we also had some friends there, I immediately started laughing. When S asked me what I was laughing at I told her it was G my kids friend who was there. He went to school with my kids but I 'met' him on Facebook. We have the same sense of humour and keep each other in stitches. He comes to our Halloween party and is always shocking and outrageous. But hilarious.
So then she took me back to my birth - I could only see darkness, I felt some bizarre feelings but nothing too major, I could see my Mom unconscious but could not see me.
She then took me back again to past life and this time I landed in a past life as Native American woman. I was on horseback and had a baby tied on my back. I was riding next to my husband. I could see his face and he was a beautiful man, and he felt familiar - immediately G popped into my head.
Was I married to G in a past life? That would explain our deep connection and ease with each other.
I was brought to tears when she asked me what we were doing, I told her we were being moved to another place to live and it was winter, we were so cold. And we were being forced to move - I got the message that it was to Oklahoma. It was a long time ago - but I did not get a year come through to me.
She then took me forward and I was sitting outside of my tepee grinding corn with a round stone and a flat stone. I was watching the baby who had been on my back, now a brown little boy, playing around the camp. All of the women were there with the children but the men were off hunting.
I then went to her death - only the son was there at her time of passing, I wasn't clear what happened to my husband.
When she took me up above all of this and asked that a spirit come through and give any messages or lessons meant for me and I was presented with a picture of Willy Wonka. WTF?? Willy bloody Wonka??
He wanted me to dance with him and when she asked him what message he had for me it was to play, to be silly, to laugh and to dance.
I tend to be a bit serious and heavy by nature - I have to keep myself light by a conscious decision.
I went from there feeling like I had gained some valuable message for my continued improvement - keep it light!
The funny thing is that we ended up watching Dark Shadows last night - so maybe Johnny Depp is going to appear at my doorstep. A girl can dream can't she?
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